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"J'ecris pour me decouvrir."- a French writer

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's Not Just a Dress!

As many of you know I have started blogging about Fashion recently, and that has made people wonder about the reasons made me do so, especially I have not been known as a Fashion Diva of any sort. Well, it hit me one day when I was surfing many groups on Facebook of young creative women who decided to pursue their passions and do something different. Whether they are photographers, designers or artists, many women have started their own businesses producing unique stuff of a great quality and for reasonable prices. 

I found the idea absolutely great especially that we, in Egypt, are not that productive people despite our massive consuming power. When you visit any mall now, you find all kinds of foreign brands that are usually too expensive and not necessarily of a great value. Not only did we stop producing for our own consumption, but we unconsciously decided to drop our own culture. There is a story behind every dress; it is not only about how you look, it's about what you stand for and symbolize. When we import a dress, we import a whole new culture and gradually forget about our own. When you see young women wearing hijab with skinny jeans and short tight tops, you know for sure that something is wrong. When people look like freaks and you can't tell what a certain outfit represents, it becomes clear that a change needs to be done.

A country like Egypt with its rich heritage and culture that brings about the beauty of other cultures; African, Middle Eastern, Arabic, Islamic, Coptic, Midetarranean, and Ancient Egyptian, has certainly what it takes to stir a lot of creativity and can be a real potential for creating our own trends not just in fashion but in any field of life and even in our mentalities. 

When we import clothes or various products, we also adopt different, new and not necessarily good values. When you decide to buy a sweater and go to H&M for instance (a place where you absolutely guarantee that all products are foreign and a place that is considered as a must go for people from different classes in other countries like the UK), you can see that a lot of girls would face a problem when buying especially when it comes to sizes and prices, for instance. The fabrics themselves are different. In winter, you can find either too heavy coats with furs that you would think are good for places or other people as the Eskimos. Even when we decide to import, we do so without taking into consideration whether those imported goods will suit us or not. Instead of making our own products and satisfying our increasing needs ourselves, we decided to become mere consumers who are not even strong enough to control what they pay fortunes for.

A shame, right?

Thus, I have been amazed by those designers and artists and decided that I should do something as well to help especially that many of them have started working on reviving our forgotten heritage and feature some young creative people whom I run into whether in real life or on Facebook. 

Now, that Sans Retouches blog has grossed about 1900 followers in just 4 months, I have been overwhelmed and inspired a great deal by people's support and absolute creativity.

Thanks everyone for your support even if you have visited my blog for one time only. You have made me believe strongly that this blog might grow indeed and help feature other young talented people who seek support, publicity and surely customers :)


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