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"J'ecris pour me decouvrir."- a French writer

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 Annual Report!

Adieu 2010!

At last 2010 is about to come to an end. It has been a long stressful, yet fruitful year indeed.

At the beginning of 2010, I was a lost soul looking for a way out; and by the end of it, I can say that I have become more of a lady rather than a foolish girl.

I have made many mistakes during 2010, but the good thing is that I have realized very quickly that they need to be corrected. Maybe the way I did it was not the most appropriate way. But at least I had the chance to clear my mind for a while, think clearly, know some wise people who helped me see the right path and have a NEW fresh start.

This time is no kidding. Some people know that I always say I need a fresh start, but they surely know that I go back to the old leaf at once. My friends, this time, I mean it.

By the end of 2010, I forgave those who did me wrong. I am not angry anymore, however I didn't forget the pain.When I look back at those incidents, I feel like a stranger. I just cannot relate to that old foolish me. Definitely, I do not regret any of my decisions. I just feel that if I had had another chance to think things over once more, I would have acted more wisely and firmly.

During that year, I have learnt to cherish things that I have and people who are around me and who who love me the way I am with all of my flaws. I have realized that showing love is not just through being nice and smiling in people's faces every now and then, love is appreciation and showing support whenever needed. I have seen the difference this perspective has made in my life. Now, when I need love, I look around and find that I really have it, not just because of having my good family and dear friends all around me, but because whenever you give love, you will find love. Yeah, I talk about love as usual, it is still the sentimental me.

2010, you haven't been so bad as I thought once. However, I hope 2011 is much more fun ;)

Fare thee well.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Bipolar or what?

I am losing it. I am losing my grip, guys. Today I have had a fight out of nothing with a friend of mine. Because of what? I have no idea. I just snapped out like a lunatic without any reason. My friends might understand that I can be a pain in the neck, but I know that sooner or later they will have enough and get fed up.

Some people have had enough already, others are trying to be patient, and others haven't seen that face of me.

People, forgive me for any mischief or any stupidity. You are all precious to me.

My dear friend, I am sorry for what happened today!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

What a Colorful World!

By mere coincidence today, I remembered my old childhood passion, which is coloring. I was looking for a card online to tag my friends in it for the New Year, and there it is this amazing French coloring website, where you can pick a certain photo and color it using whatever colors online.

I was at my office, and you can imagine all the stress I feel everyday with tons of emails pouring from everywhere, phone calls that come out of the blue, juicy conversations with my colleagues and fear that my work won’t get done on time. Then, I found that website that set me apart from that nuisance for some minutes. It was just me and the poster before me on the screen. If you had seen me during that time, you would have seen such a different person you are not used to. You would see what appears to everyone as a grown up, with a silly smile on her face and with eyes wandering around without a certain clue about the whole world.

Once I woke up from that sweet dream, I made up my mind right away and decided to buy a coloring book. “Oh yeah, there is nothing wrong about this.” I just felt like I need to set myself every now and then apart from all of that stress crawling inside my head. Just few minutes every day, without speaking, technologies of any complicated form, work and without thinking, all I have to do is pick a crayon, a suitable color, and decide to paint that world of fantasy that makes me feel like a child again innocent enough to believe that there is still beauty all around and goodness inside every creature.
Seriously, what a colorful world!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Rose

I got into my office today after weekend feeling a bit refreshed thinking of all of those tasks I have to finish and hoping that I can keep on feeling good.Once I got there, I forgot all about my content and cheerfulness when I found the rose on my table wilted.

I have not been a fan of flowers and I have not bought flowers for myself. However, I always hoped that someone would give me flowers some day. Yea, that would be a sweet gesture. But what is it exactly that made me feel this way? What is this bond that came to the surface all of a sudden between flowers and myself?

Then it struck me. It is not the flower in the simple manner, but it is what the flower stands for. When I had it, I felt good about myself. It looked nice, sweet and innocent. Every time I felt down, I picked it trying to smell its odor. Its presence just me me feel good about myself, my life and my job. Maybe, it is just like love, or that is what I think.

That's when I signed into my Facebook account and wrote the following status, "Love is like a beautiful rose. It's always a delight to have it, look at it all day long and smell its beautiful odor. But, it breaks you when you see it wilt."

I guess I need to get another flower at once.